Oasis Holidays...
Kanombe, Kigali, Rwanda +1(613)355-3587 or +250 785 136 500 vacationinrwanda@gmail.com


Service Details

Professional Tour Guide

Unlocking Unforgettable Experiences with Oasis Holidays Embarking on a journey to explore the natural wonders, rich culture, and diverse wildlife of Rwanda is an experience like no other. At Oasis Holidays, we believe that a professional tour guide can make all the difference in creating truly unforgettable memories. Our team of expert guides is dedicated to providing exceptional services, offering fluency in English, French, and Swahili, as well as in-depth knowledge of wildlife conservation, cultural heritage, birds, museums, and much more. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of Rwanda's national parks, cities, and other East African destinations, as our tour guides lead you on a remarkable adventure of a lifetime. Unparalleled Guiding Expertise: At Oasis Holidays, we take immense pride in our team of professional tour guides. Fluent in multiple languages, our guides possess excellent communication skills, enabling them to engage with visitors from all over the world. Their in-depth knowledge of local history, culture, and natural ecosystems adds depth to your journey, providing valuable insights that enrich your travel experience. Wildlife Conservation and Nature Exploration: Rwanda's national parks are renowned for their biodiversity and unique wildlife. With Oasis Holidays, you'll be guided by experts who have a passion for wildlife conservation. Our tour guides possess a deep understanding of the delicate balance between wildlife and their habitats, ensuring responsible and sustainable tourism practices. They'll take you on thrilling safaris in Akagera National Park, where you can witness majestic animals roaming freely in the savanna, creating memories that will stay with you forever. A Paradise for Bird Enthusiasts:
For birdwatchers and nature lovers, Rwanda is a true paradise. Nyungwe National Park, with its lush rainforests, is home to over 400 bird species, including rare and endemic ones. Our tour guides will accompany you through the dense foliage, helping you spot and identify these avian wonders. Don't miss the popular canopy walk, which offers breath-taking views of the forest canopy and an exhilarating experience above the treetops.
The Enchanting Encounters with Mountain Gorillas: Volcanoes National Park is a place of extraordinary encounters with mountain gorillas, one of the most endangered species on the planet. With expert guidance from our tour guides, you'll trek through the lush mountains and come face to face with these gentle giants in their natural habitat. Our guides' knowledge of gorilla behaviour and conservation efforts ensures an unforgettable and respectful encounter with these magnificent creatures. Exploring the Green Jewel of Kigali: Kigali, Rwanda's vibrant capital city, is a destination of contrast, blending modernity with green spaces and cultural richness. Our tour guides will lead you through the city's clean and organized streets, where you can explore museums, craft markets, and historical landmarks. Experience the warmth of the locals and indulge in the city's culinary delights, making your visit to Kigali a cherished memory. Discovering the Magnificence of Lake Kivu: Lac Kivu, the largest lake in Rwanda, offers a serene and picturesque setting for relaxation and adventure. Our tour guides will accompany you to this idyllic destination, where you can take boat rides, explore lakeside communities, and marvel at the stunning landscapes. Lake Kivu's tranquillity and beauty will leave an indelible mark on your heart. Venturing Beyond Borders: Beyond Rwanda's borders, our professional tour guides are well-versed in East African destinations, offering you the opportunity to explore neighboring countries' treasures. Whether it's the Serengeti in Tanzania, the Masai Mara in Kenya, or the magical landscapes of Uganda, our guides will ensure seamless and memorable experiences in every location. At Oasis Holidays, our professional tour guides are the heart and soul of your Rwandan adventure. Fluent in multiple languages and equipped with extensive knowledge of wildlife, culture, and natural wonders, they provide an unparalleled experience that transcends ordinary travel. From the lush rainforests to the savannas, from vibrant cities to serene lakeshores, our guides will unlock the true essence of Rwanda and East Africa for you. Join us on a journey of discovery and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Book your tour with Oasis Holidays today and let our expert guides unveil the wonders of this beautiful region for you.
