Oasis Holidays...
Kanombe, Kigali, Rwanda +1(613)355-3587 or +250 785 136 500 vacationinrwanda@gmail.com


Package Details

3 days in Akagera National Park

Our 3 days safari to Akagera National Park takes you to one of Rwanda’s most popular wildlife conservation and game drive experiences site in East Africa. Akagera National Park is located on the Eastern side of Rwanda close to the border with Tanzania. Akagera NP was founded in 1934 and is Rwanda’s only Savannah Park. The park is named after the Akagera River which feeds Lake Ihema and other water bodies in the park before releasing most of its load in Lake Victoria. Akagera National Park consists of woodlands, Savannah, undulating plains, extensive papyrus swamps and sprawling water bodies. Akagera is home to all the big five safari mammals: Lions, Buffaloes, Elephants, Leopards and Rhinoceros. It also has Zebras, Hippos, giraffes, warthogs and several antelope species. Tips: You will be transferred to the airport by your driver to pick your flight back home.

Our guide will pick you up in the morning from the airport or your hotel in Kigali. After briefing you about the tour, you will have a tour of the Kigali city where you will visit the city markets, Kigali genocide museum, the former presidential palace, a few art shops and other landmarks. After completing the city tour, we will drive to Akagera National Park, 2 hours from Kigali. Once you arrive at the park, you will make all necessary clearances at the gate and then proceed to the centre for visitors. After checking in at the hotel, we will drive you to Ihema Lake for a boat cruise. The boat trip provides opportunities to spot crocodiles, hippos and other animals coming to bath or drink from the lake. Look out for the elusive Sitatunga (swamp antelope) and waterbucks. Accommodation and overnight at Hotel in Akagera.

Wake up early and take breakfast as you wait for the Guide/Driver to pick you up. This day is all about games drives. Our Guide will pick up an experienced park Guide to move with you and take you to the best places for game drives. You will go to different parts of the park while exploring the parks landscape including woodland forest, savannah plains, riverine forests and wetlands. During the morning game drive, watch out for hippos, Impala, warthogs, Topi, Zebras, spotted hyenas, giraffes, buffaloes, crocodiles, elephants and birds. The Company Guide will play an important role in helping locate the lions, Rhinos and other elusive creatures. The night game drive is designed to allow you spot the nocturnal animals like leopards, hyenas and mongooses, owls and primates. Accommodation and overnight at Hotel in Akagera.

Wake up at your leisure, take breakfast and prepare for one last game drive in the park just in case you didn’t see any of the animals. Our Guide/Driver will meet with the park guide and take you to another section of the park for yet more wildlife encounters. After you are done with this game drive, it’s time to start the journey back to Kigali. Lunch is taken while on the way back to Kigali. In case you missed the Kigali city tour or the cow dung paintings at the Nyakarambi village for some reason on the first day, this is the time to do it. Everything comes to an end including this wonderful adventure through Rwanda. Fully equipped, pack your bags to catch the plane home. With a nice health colour on your cheeks, you get on the plane and with your eyes closed, your seat back, reminisce away about the cool adventures you have experienced. Full of inspiration and with an overdose of beautiful memories you open the front door. Unspoilt nature, lush wildlife, an inspiring population & vibrant cities. You now have enough stories to tell your family and friends by the fire later. Welcome home! An adventure is over but again a series of experiences richer.


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